Upcoming events.
Christian Education
Christian education involves an in-depth study of God’s word, providing the opportunity discussion throughout the experience.
Fellowship Break
Fellowship Break represents an opportunity to refresh and replenish your vitality with provided refreshments and conversation before our final segment of Christian Education.
Morning Worship
This structure maintains the essence of a traditional worship experience while also incorporating elements that encourage engagement and reflection on a biblically-centered message.
Holy Communion Services
Communion serves as a powerful memorial of Jesus' Last Supper with His disciples and His ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Jesus instructed His followers to partake in this practice "in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19). The breaking of bread and sharing of wine symbolize His body and blood, reminding believers of the cost of salvation and God's love for humanity.
Sunday July 28, 2024
Come and experience morning worship, and praise, highlighted by the preaching and teaching of an inspired gospel message. A brief intermission follows the morning worship, providing light refreshments and fellowship before engaging in Christian Education.
Sunday July 14, 2024
Come and experience morning worship, and praise, highlighted by the preaching and teaching of an inspired gospel message. A brief intermission follows the morning worship, providing light refreshments and fellowship before engaging in Christian Education.
Sunday July 7th
The first Sunday in July we will be celebrating Holy Communion in remembrance of what Christ did for humanity on Calvary’s Cross. This celebratory event will commence immediately following morning worship.