David in Psalm 31 during a deep, sorrowful and troubling time in his life; expresses these touching words in verse 12 (NLT), he states: “I am ignored as if I were dead, as if I were a broken pot.” Many of us have encountered the empty feeling of brokenness, a feeling of uselessness, a feeling of being unvalued; but God considers you valuable, He considers you precious. Why, may one ask? Because you are fearfully and wonderfully made, you are created in His image and likeness. Dear friend, allow the healing process to begin in your state of brokenness. You are not in disrepair, but a season of transformation. If you would, please look up the ancient Japanese practice called “Kintsugi.”

Prayer: “God use me to be an example for You. I want to speak of your glory wherever I journey. Thank You Lord for choosing me. I’m not too broken for You to use me for Your divine purpose. Thank you for the healing, that you have bestowed upon me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

“No one wants to admit that they are broken. For some reason, we believe that brokenness holds us back from a relationship with Jesus. But brokenness isn’t the problem-hiding is.” Toni Collier along with other phenomenal speakers will leads us through the process of recognizing and healing a broken spirit.